A01-2 Group

A01-2 Pacific Ocean State Estimation and Clarification of Mechanism of Ocean Circulation by Data Synthesis of Global Observations

   Research Summary

Our aim is to synthesise pre-existing ocean data with newly-acquired turbulence data using state-of-art assimilation technique. Our obsevation plans include ship-based hydrographic cruises in the Pacific and Indian oceans where a microstructure profiler will be used to measure turbulence strength in the ocean along the cruise track. The data will be “blended” with pre-existing ocean data using dynamically self-consistent state estimation technique called 4D-VAR. The new data set will provide improved description of ocean circulation, its heat and salt transports, and oceanic ecosystem at lower trophic level.







Principal investigator : Shuhei Masuda
(JAMSTEC R&D Center for Global Change Group leader Physical Oceanography)

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Co-investigator : Satoshi Osafune
(JAMSTEC R&D Center for Global Change Technical scientist Physical Oceanography)

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Collaborator : Katsuro Katsumata
(JAMSTEC R&D Center for Global Change Sub group leader Physical Oceanography)

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Collaborator : Nozomi Sugiura
(JAMSTEC R&D Center for Global Change Senior technical scientist Physical Oceanography)

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Collaborator : Hiroshi Uchida
(JAMSTEC R&D Center for Global Change Senior technical scientist Physical Oceanography)

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Collaborator : Shinya Kouketsu
(JAMSTEC R&D Center for Global Change Senior researcher Physical Oceanography)

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Collaborator : Toshimasa Doi
(JAMSTEC R&D Center for Global Change Senior engineer II Physical Oceanography)

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